
"I am smiling..."

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo in Canada. My research is on computational statistics and semi-parametric regression modelling. I have worked on methods and theory for approximate integration in statistical problems, methods for benchmark dose analysis in environmental toxicology, methods for fast Bayesian inference (without MCMC) including in spatial models, and some methods and theory for additive and random effects models.

I did my PhD at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Patrick Brown and Jamie Stafford. I wrote an R package (aghq) for making approximate Bayesian inferences using adaptive quadrature. You can learn more about my work on my Research or Teaching pages. Before grad school (the second time) I worked at a bank and a credit bureau and taught at U of T on a sessional basis.

Graduate student supervision: see the Research page. I will recruit a PhD student next year to start in Fall 2026.
